We had wonderful weather here today, went from a cold 20's to possible 54 degrees. We should be so thankful for this. I spoke with a gentleman today that lives in northern Arkansas, he said it looks like a war zone there because of the ice storm. They have been without power for several days now, and not sure when it will be back on. This really makes one appreciate things more!!
I want to give you an idea for a crafting that would be good with children of many ages using the Buffalo Gourd. You can create Indian Rattlers, either large or small ones for Christmas Decorations. Children of all ages enjoy this one. All you need is a small round gourd, Buffalo, we call it. If not a Buffalo, you may use a Dipper Gourd. Cut a hole in the gourd to fit a stick, possibly an inch wide. You may clean the seed out (and save them for planting) and put in some small pebbles. Glue the stick into the gourd through the hole that you cut. You, or the children may decorate the gourd with acrylic paints, or marking pens. To preserve the design, later you may use a light misting of polyurethane spray. If you would like, you may further embellish the stick (handle) and gourd with leather lacing and feathers.
This is a great project for Boy Scouts too!! I used it often in Arts In Education in the schools in Louisiana. I am adding an image of a couple of completed ones so you may see.
For now, have a good evening,
The Gourd Lady of Rocky Mount!!