Thursday, February 26, 2009
Purple Martins Arriving
Day before yesterday the Scout was back. Boy what patience they have. I watch off and on all day as he sailed around for miles in the sky watching for the others to arrive. Yesterday evening, when it was their bedtime, I was surprised with three coming in to sleep. This evening there were still three, that I could tell. Sometimes they are already in the house and I may miss them.
I love to hear them, even inside their gourd houses they are still talking to each other.
The weather has been so beautiful this week, so it has been a great time for watching.
I am including an image of the full line of houses this post. The white building in the background is our little country grocery store, it is closed now and I have claimed it as my art studio (when I am not out watching Martins, or planting the field)!!
Hope you are getting ready for the Martins and the planting time!!
For now...Happy Gourding!!
The Gourd Lady of Rocky Mount, Louisiana, that is.....
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Gourd Crafting for Children : Rocky Mount Gourds
We are having one of those rainy days here to day at Rocky Mount, so I am hoping I can get some gourd art work done!!
If you have little ones at home with you today and need something great for them to do now, or on another day, gourds are "the best"!!!
I am entering an image of "Wild and Wacky Birds" that I did with a kindergarten class several years ago when I worked in Arts in Education here in Louisiana.
All you need is an odd shaped gourd, primary colors of acrylic paints (so they can practice mixing colors themselves), water based polyurethane (after the paint has dried), tack glue, bright colored feathers (glue them on), wiggle eyes, and felt for a beak, if you like.
They all turned out just wonderful and the children enjoyed this so very much....I do miss this too.
But the time comes when we cannot work with 30 children at one time!!
Hope you have a Blessed day!!
For now,
The Gourd Lady of Rocky Mount, Louisiana, that is........
Monday, February 16, 2009
Martin and Blue Bird Society Join Forces
Bayou Bluebird Society. We of the same interests always have a problem with the Starlings,
or Mauking Birds. They are heavy around here and we are having to try to run them off.
I am posting the link to the right for the Louisiana Bayou Bluebird Society, if you are interested.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival 2009
Wanted to let you all know that my husband and I will be in the Louisiana Market Place the weekend of April 24, 25 and 26th this year (2009).....this is a wonderful Market Place for
Louisiana Craft Artists.
Am entering an image of one of my pieces that was juried into the Fest.
This will be our fifth year in the Louisiana Market Place, hope to see you there!!!
For now, still watching for the Martins and not giving up!!
The Gourd Lady of Rocky Mount, Louisiana, that is.....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Purple Martins and Gourds
I hope you are enjoying the arrival of the Martins by this time. It is still early for us here, although I have heard they are in Shreveport, just 30 miles south of us.
In the mean time, we are outside cleaning up the multitude of pecan tree limbs that have accumulated on the ground this winter. We are so thankful that we did not get the tornadoes, nor did we have the horrible ice storm that many of you did have. You are in our prayers.
I would like to share a couple of very good gourd chart that I have located. There are many, many varieties of gourds around the world, but the chart has the main varieties, and is interesting.
The next posting, I will tell a little more about gourd crafting and important information you
may not always read about, and your health safety.
For now,
The Gourd Lady of Rocky Mount, Louisiana, that is.......
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Peanut Butter Recalls
direct link here to the FDA website where you may check the listing of recalled
products. This listing is being updated constantly. I think there may be 8 to 9
hundred recalled items last check.
The web address is
I hope you will be able to simply click and it will take you there. Have a save evening.
For now,
The Gourd Lady of Rocky Mount, Louisiana, that is!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Ten Reasons Why People Fail to Attract Purple Martins
I would like to share some tips from the Purple Martin Conservatory concerning the Purple Martins. "Ten reasons why people fail to attract Purple Martins."
1. Housing placed too close to tall trees or in yards that are too enclosed. Last year we had let a tree grow up too close to the back side of the Martin House line and I think that is why we didn't have as many Martins. The tree is gone now, so, perhaps, they will forgive us.
2. Landlord allows other bird species to claim the housing first. Starlings are always a problem in your yard, we try to keep them run off.
3. Housing placed too far from human housing. They like to be around people, although ours like to dive bomb us when we stand too near.
4. Housing not painted white. Our first couple of years we put up gourd Martin houses, not painted just natural. Finally we painted them white and the Martins did come!!
5. Housing opened up too early. This leaves time for blue birds and other birds to nest.
6. Failure to open the martin housing.
7. Vines and shrubs are allowed to grow up under the housing. Last year we let a Bradford Pear tree grow too large and too close to the back of the Martin Gourd Houses and we did not have as many Purple Martins. That tree has been removed with hopes of more Martins coming back this year.
8. Housing not really ‘built to specifications" The holes need to be 2-1/4" and the house needs to be at least 6" wide.
9. Housing attached to wires, or placed too close to wires. Our houses are strung across the yard on a heavy cord, but we do not have the squirrel problem here.
10. Landlords buy or build housing that can’t be easily managed. You need to be able to get up there and check to be sure no other birds are nesting or trying to take over the Martin's nests. The Martins don't mind.
I checked the Purple Martin Conservatory site today and it shows reports of Martin Scouts as close to us as Pineville, Louisiana. Pineville is probably within 200 miles of us, south, so they are not far!!
Still hoping you are safe from the devastation of the bad weather, and able to watch for the Martins!!
It is not too late to order your Gourd Martin Houses, see our site for Rocky Mount Gourds on the Local Harvest website.
For now,
The Gourd Lady of Rocky Mount